Teaching students with intellectual disability to use English through pragmatics.


  • Yaresi Sinaí Rodríguez Carreón
  • Dan Isaí Serrato Salazar

Palabras clave:

Special educational needs, Intellectual disability, Language pragmatics, Speech acts, Role-play.


The current investigation focuses on helping students
with intellectual disability to use English through language
pragmatics. After investigating about English as a foreign
language (EFL) acquirement of these students, it was discovered
that they are not acquiring the language with the methods
that are commonly implemented in the regular English classrooms.
By using the action-research method and by consulting
appropriate literature, some specific problems of language
acquirement were identified in these students. By analyzing
the problems, speech acts in Role-plays were proposed as
strategies to teach them in order to help them to acquire EFL.
After implementing the proposal based on speech acts it could
be observed that students were using English in the Role-plays,
but it is still difficult for them to apply those strategies in the
everyday situations.


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Cómo citar

Rodríguez Carreón, Y. S., & Serrato Salazar, D. I. (2017). Teaching students with intellectual disability to use English through pragmatics. Revista De Investigación Educativa, (4), 60–69. Recuperado a partir de https://revistainvestigacionedu.uanl.mx/index.php/rie/article/view/7